Finally, Clausewitz discussed the goal of a military campaign, not to take the enemy's capital, some key fortification or some key terrain feature, but rather to attack the enemy's "Center of Gravity".

Those who promote this argument certainly have some valid points, and their concerns were echoed by Clausewitz's contemporaries, which led to Antoine Henri Jomini achieving far more prominence in military circles before 1914.

On … These thinkers would scoff at the tendency of Clausewitz to praise the defense and discuss it at such great length.

Honestly, everything he says could be written in about 40% of the space he takes, but his kernels of truth remain so and ever shall.

The important points he hits on are indeed extremely important, but wading through 750 pages of repetitive and wordy abstract run on sentences gets old pretty quickly.

Rather it is theory that he says he is after. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica.Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Even as we don't fight wars in our everyday lives, we can use this book to solve problems and conflicts.

Again, such thinking was scoffed by military thinkers who were sure that their objective must be some fixed location on the map.

He is most famous for his military treatise Vom Kriege, translated into English as On War.“War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means.”“The conqueror is always a lover of peace; he would prefer to take over our country unopposed.”

Rather it is theory that he sayRanked one of the great contributions in the literature of war, Clausewitz's book, "On War", presents a wide-ranging and very intellectual discussion of the subject of war. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. War of course involves a contest of physical force.

Until this year.Okay, so this is a long book--over 600 pages--and some of it is a slog--like a battle that has gone on too long, with the reader's army expending a lot of energy and time to finish.

Clausewitz's erudition verges on genius often.

This is encapsulated in his famous comment: "War is merely the continuation of policy by other means.

To create our lis...Reviewing classics can be humbling.

Some parts are just so indigestible and make me want to pull my hair due to frustration.It's hard to write a review of such a disjointed work.

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""War is simply the continuation of politics by other means.

There are no moral judgments in this book against war, on the contrary.

But, it can be useful. Worth everyone's time (especially in this abridged version, which cuts out much of the period-specific tactica on terrain and investing fortresses and the like).A very wordy tome.

"Considering its historical setting, this is quite the read, and very interesting to say the least. Carl von Clausewitz's On War has been called, "not simply the greatest, but the only truly great book on war." One must also remember that, despite the frequency with which he is cited, Clausewitz was a radical and very much opposed to the thinking of military men in his own day, and certainly in ours.

Following the political purposes and the goal of defeating the enemy, an exposition of “total war” is given here by Clausewitz. Those who promote this argument certainly have some valid points, and their concerns were echoed by Clausewitz's contemporaries, which led to Antoine Henri Jomini achieving far more prominence in military circles before 1914. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. In most militaries of the 19th Century such thinking was heresy.

His generation witnessed the collapse of the limited warfare of ancien régimes in the face of the all-out effort and strategy of destruction, or However, in 1827 Clausewitz began to have serious doubts about whether total war was really the sole This curious development of Clausewitz’s work has had a profound effect on the reception of his ideas.

Among much advice, Clausewitz says war is politics by other means.

While Clausewitz wrote in the first half of the 19th Century, his thought never really came to be accepted in the armies of France, Britain or the United States until well into the 20th century.

Clausewitz is very philosophical and abstract, to the point that many of his ideas are simply not applicable to everyday military planning.

There is room for debate about precisely what the book is about. By defining war mainly as an art and a practice (as opposed to a systematic theory), the content of the book is quite interesting in opposing theoretical miss-conceptions or even attempts to systematize or theorize particular aspects of war. Intellectually, he expressed in the military field the sweeping At the same time, Clausewitz believed that a general theory of war was attainable and that it should express war’s immutable essence, nature, or concept and guide all military action.

It was only in the wars of the 20th Century that we have learned how even an insignificant place like Stalingrad or Omaha Beach could be so decisive in war.As a sometime student of History and War Studies I read this book a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...As a sometime student of History and War Studies I read this book a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away...Who am I to critique Clausewitz? Reviewing classics can be humbling. Any student of military history or science, or politics, should at least read Book 1 Chapter 1 of On War.

While Clausewitz is quoted and discussed by military men repeatedly, it fascinates me how many military officers serve long and distinguished careers without ever having read this book.

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