Vulnerability and Climate Change Impact Assessments for Adaptation: VIA Module | UNEP - UN Environment Programme This became known as the DPSIR framework and has since been more widely adopted by the EEA, acting as an integrated approach for reporting, e.g. Driving forces are the socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities, which increase or mitigate pressures on the environment. Considering this complication, a comprehensive and holistic approach is needed for a better understanding and management of those factors.
Pressures are the stresses that human activities place on the environment. %���������,`�!)�b�W���9`x,;썕�0R��������6�I�l#ӟ�.��w{��X5�.e�XؾV��nc��W3��5�a�5�Jk>��. The DPSIR framework also helps in mainstreaming responses to climate change with other development measures. %���� The Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR)scheme is a flexible framework that can be used to assist decision-makers in many steps of the decision process. Based on an analysis using the DPSIR framework, this paper discusses some of the important socio-economic driving forces of climate change, with a focus on energy use and transportation. Impacts are the effects of environmental degradation. Using this item and referring to it is encouraged, and please use The causal frameworks are among systemic and integrated methods for addressing the causes of environmental problems and the relationships that exist between the environmental systems in order to propose proper solutions. 1 0 obj Driving forces are the socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities, which increase or mitigate pressures on the environment. The DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses) is used to assess and manage environmental problems. State, or state of the environment, is the condition of the environment. %PDF-1.5 Abstract.
DPSIR was initially developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD 1994) and has been used by the United Nations (UNEP 1994; UNEP 2007) and European Environmental Agency (Dutch National Institute for … <>stream Therefore, the overall analytic framework developed as the basis for effectively coping with climate change (and presented later in Fig. Climate change is a complicated issue with many factors playing role in its formation and distribution. x���exSY�7`�m��� m)�8www��]���e`fp�ݡ8�@iKݽ�s�sr�6i�ISr��wx�!M{��ڲ��k�* ��2����6�A��m�Xc}�����ۃ,��0T&n#�d��CML��0L����R%z��O�mCdl��| The DPSIR framework was devised in the late 1990s as a tool for the reporting and analysis of environmental problems, ranging in scale from global systems to localized watersheds. This graphic explains the DPSIR process. The DPSIR framework must be applied with care for analysis, not as a simple causal scheme. {������ǭ��$v�/}������Ǵ��� &M�5��}�5�Ǔ Y#>�nh��������0���e�]3)�,L"�b�������0@�����IR�`�72�@�*�/�OJRw��wc��Y� �D��TB�J���/L#�G8�-`�L]�u��S-�#�¶���i���d�����X�VY��:hΤ�y1�������l�_�I�Q�d�1����{Jɫ�E�O�L�'��3+��%h�k 3U�m*�j�]�Ca$�����g5��Z� The DPSIR framework (Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impacts-Responses) is used to assess and manage environmental problems.

The paper also analyses observed and potential changes of climate and the pressures they exert on biodiversity, the changes in biodiversity, the resulting impacts on ecosystem functions, and possible policy responses. The Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework has been used by environmental agencies and others to assess environmental challenges and policy responses.

However, in doing so, social justice or equity issues tend to come as an afterthought, while there is evidence that environmental challenges and policy responses are not equity (including gender-) neutral. it in presentations, web pages, newspapers, blogs and reports. Responses refers to the responses by society to the environmental situation. Pressures are the stresses that human activities place on the environment. in the EEA’s State of the Environment Reports. proposed the use of a framework, which distinguished driving forces, pressures, states, impacts and responses.

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