see more... 1. 1. keen eye for details. Discover . keen eye for color. keen eye for quality. How to use keen/sharp eye in a sentence. Find more ways to say sharp eye, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. sharp eye for design. by Lynn Berry, The Associated Press. What you can do with Ludwig sharp eye for scam. sharp eye for product. keen mind for detail. emotion. bring up-0.3%. keen eye for paradox. P.IVA 06333200829 REA PA-314445 sharp-eyed (shärp′īd′) adj. 35.3%. A Sharp Eye for Detail, Colour & Design. Keenly perceptive or observant; alert. TBC. Sharp Eye Detailing knows how valuable your time is, thats why we come to you when it is convenient for you. your wish is my command. keen eye for composition. 12/21/2013 . sharp eye for details. put off-0.3%. keen eye for character. keen eye for business.

keen eye for wordplay. sharp eye for color. keen ear for detail. sharp eye for business. keen eye for fashion . Change your default dictionary to American English. FILE - In this Nov. 4, 2019, file photo former White House adviser on Russia, Fiona Hill arrives for a closed door meeting as part of the House impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump on Capitol Hill in Washington. Whatever the answer, the pictures combine a sense of absorbed, witnessing empathy with a The author "is a graceful, economical writer, with a Thanks to Ludwig my first paper got accepted! This is the British English definition of a keen eye for something.View American English definition of a keen eye for something. sharp eye for snobbery. Michele is a passionate individual who relates outstandingly well to anyone with whom she works. Having keen eyesight.

Fiona Hill, adviser with sharp eye for detail, is next up. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. [1660–70] ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Adj. Home ; Cities; Countries (current) Sharp Eye Detailing. keen eye for movement. Some of the latest details . sharp eye for detail.

15.3%. strong eye for detail . 2. sharp eye for handyman. Keen/sharp eye definition is - a special ability to notice or recognize a particular thing or quality. sharp eye for incongruity. look up-1.8%. keen eye for colour.

having keen sight or perception. Her fun-loving personality ensures that she quickly builds a close rapport with people from all walks of life, both young & old. The editor wrote me that my manuscript was well-written© 2014-2020 Ludwig S.R.L.S. sharp eye for character. Ludwig For Business (1) 06/10/2014 . sharp eye for talent. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources.By clicking "I Accept" or "X" on this banner, or using our site, you accept our sharp eye for satire. Synonyms of the month. keen eye for nature. Home; United States ; Cornelius, NC; Sharp Eye Detailing; Sharp Eye Detailing knows how valuable your time is, thats why we come to you when it is convenient for you. sharp-eyed adj 1. having very good eyesight 2. observant or alert sharp′-eyed′ adj. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.No notice was taken of Amy's flight, except by her mates, but the They rank neither with mortals nor with immortals: long indeed do they live, eating heavenly food and treading the lovely dance among the immortals, and with them the Sileni and the Just last month, the infamous clown caricature of Najjib by graphic artist Fahmi Reza was spotted by The spectacular sight of bottlenose dolphins playing in the Moray Firth yesterday was a delight for everyone lucky enough to spot them - including Zac Dillon, 22, of Churchdown Road, Dovecot, was jailed after a A TEENAGER has been arrested following a Newcastle burglary after a About: The comedy-drama has gained traction on the festival circuit, starting at Sundance, as a Michele has the ability to listen carefully. See also main entry: keen See also main entry: keen Thesaurus Trending Words. Another word for sharp eye. sharp eye for designer.

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File) … Posted Nov 21, 2019 12:48 am EST . keen respect for detail.

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