I was drawn to Shauna Niequist's newest book, Present Over Perfect because its title seemed to indicate our current season. I don't resonate with everything she writes about in this book, but there have been some aspects that rang true and caught my attention.I'm always curious of Shauna's new books, although I have realized long ago that I'm not always the targeted audience of everything she writers. If I were rating this book simply on writing style and relatability to the author's struggle for simplicity, for being present over perfect, I would give it a 4. “I’ve learned the hard way that change is one of God’s greatest gifts, and most useful tools. Perhaps it's harder for someone with a lot of opportunities to say no and to find that balance. The Christian publisher seems to be more focused on author popularity and sales than on the Gospel -- freedom in Christ. Yes, I can see why you thought "The Best Yes" was a little redundant, haha! Bring tears to my eyes.

If you are sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, this book may be a helpful tool for change.

I have the great Libby App.that I use daily.

Niequist is known (to me) for her food memoir, so I knew this book would be a bit of a departure, but I was excited to give it a try. There were occasional gems (I'll quote a couple lines I liked below), but mostly I just kept thinking, I did not like this author's mention of "centering" prayer and deep breathing. 0310342996

In that sense, Niequist is open about her change in mindset and what that cost her family and her career.Where to begin with this review...I think first the positive. Thanks for helping me know that as much as I want to read this book, I should say no. I borrow ebooks and audiobooks from my local library. Shauna writes about the beautiful and broken moments of everyday life--friendship, family, faith, food, marriage, love, babies, books, celebration, heartache, and all the other things that shape us, delight us, and reveal to us the heart of God.

The average chapter is 5 pages, so not a hard task. The Bible tells us to compare what we hear and read to Scripture. God's Word is the only inerrant source of direction, and we should look to that before fallen people to direct us into truth. August 9th 2016 It was like reading her diary. I did find it interesting how you responded to the rest of the book!
I can't just drop work projects.

She's learning to settle in at home with a cup of tea and her family. Thumbs down!

I understand what you are saying about a "spiritual director", but I have to say, I hate the term, haha! While I'm learning to live with a messy playroom, Niequist is finding balance by saying no to Big Opportunities and Flashy Job Offers. I loved all of it, and the audiobook is fantastic!As someone who can get caught up in the act of perfectionism and the frantic lifestyle, I really took away a lot from the content of this book. The religious language was off-putting for me (though I see other reviewers feel the author was not Christian *enough*) -- but I kept reading, subbing in humanist ideas for the religious parts to make it more relatable (e.g.

Download PDF. I keep this on my desk at work and read it more like a devotional than a true Christian living book. And it’s changing everything. Basically, this book is giving you the side-eye, overcommitted extrovert.

Many of us find ourselves busier than we want to be, missing the … I think that part might have been different if I had already been a Niequist fan. But super repetitive (super!!!) I understand this was a review and that it required your honest opinion, but she was being completely transparent about who she is. But over the course of the last few years, I''ve learned a way to live, marked by grace, love, rest, and play.
Stopped reading after about 30 pages. The average chapter is 5 pages, so not a hard task.I was drawn to Shauna Niequist's newest book, Present Over Perfect because its title seemed to indicate our current season. Present Over Perfect is a hand reaching out, pulling you free from the constant pressure to perform faster, push harder, and produce more, all while maintaining an exhausting image of perfection.

As Christians we do need to be on guard and have discernment, and compare the words of teachers to God's word. The whole book is wonderful, but three things in particular pervaded my recent thinking.Shauna repeats herself WAY too much, I felt like I was reading a blog post about the same thing over and over again.

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