of large scope; ... After reading the passage the teacher asked questions to test the children's comprehension. Define comprehensive. I also hold QTS status at Further Education standard level. In fact, a BBC News article from 2006 reported the concerns of teachers and how the site has just become a playground to bully teachers. If you’ve any comments, please ‘join the discussion’ below.That’s awful. I have reached our to RMT so many times, but nothing ever happens. comprehensive synonyms, comprehensive pronunciation, comprehensive translation, English dictionary definition of comprehensive. I have, many times, asked about why the forums for moderators don’t work, and as I have looked through the sites FAQ page I have found many supposed features that just don’t exist anymore or have never existed in the first place. I am really beginning to feel like I am the only moderator active on the site…I have so far been a moderator since around the end of last year to the beginning of this year and have reviewed over 1,250 ratings and over 100 teachers between two schools… yet I have never seen the numbers I have to moderate go down… I really feel like nobody else is moderating the site at any level…I just looked on the data for moderators, and it says that yesterday 2,105 Ratings were Processed… which is actually really surprising to me… if I wasn’t an elite admin I would have no idea that any activity whatsoever was taking place other than mine :3…Hi, I’m a student who noticed a disturbing comment on one of the teacher’s, I know it may be difficult, or not possible, but as a moderator I ask, please help me remove this comment at uk.ratemyteachers.com/merghani/523111-tI also am an elite, I keep 83 schools under my wing, and at one point, we got the pending parent ratings down to 0. Deciding between universities for subjects.

I moderated post number 17.just going to say that some of the info you have said is actually incorrect, as a moderator you have to decide to either approve, remove comments, or unpublish a comment.as a moderator myself, in fact an elite moderator, I know what constitutes the right decision, so I will try my best to say what I would do with the comments you provided, in fact if I could find out your username I could even spotcheck you. However, I cannot reject them either as none of the comments, rather surprisingly, break any of the Rate My Teachers rules. Look for your teacher/course on RateMyTeachers.com working at Y Bontfaen Primary located in Cowbridge, Vale Of Glamorgan, United Kingdom What's your school's Ofsted rating? Upon agreeing to be a moderator, one of my first tasks was to approve or decline some recent feedback for teachers in other schools (schools that I do not have any connection with). building work that we need to inform the tutor about. All rates listed here go directly to the tutor - we don't charge commission for this tutor.This tutor has provided no information about subjects How can I look my colleagues in the eye when I’ve just approved a comment which says that there are, for example, a “thick idiot” or an “incompetent teacher”?
I have heard of students and teachers committing suicide due to bullying. Are there any heath and safety risks at your property? I have, many times, asked about why the forums for moderators don’t work, and as I have looked through the sites FAQ page I have found many supposed features that just don’t exist anymore or have never existed in the first place. Students of High School age often don’t know how to deal with their emotions so a quick diatribe on Rate My Teachers can often seem, to them, a good place to vent their anger. What is the relationship between the order of a reaction and rate determining step? Rate My Teachers is not a new site, I suspect that if you’re a teacher reading this you’ve probably visited the site previously. This website can be used by those bullies. This is an amazing book that is very well written by a talented author. Here are the first four that I was confronted with:How could I possibly approve any of these comments, particularly as I do not know any of the staff that they are referring to? We just have to hope that all teachers are mentally strong.I also happen to be an admin on RateMyTeachers, in fact I was recently promoted to an elite admin, so any spotcheck results you receive may have gone through me (or one of my colleagues, if there are any…)I have to admit, I have been looking over the site a lot recently and from what I can see the master admin we receive emails from is no longer active. To find they aren’t published. Even when the moderator has approved/rejected 100 comments, they cannot change any already approved comments. I left a couple of comments about a couple of staff members, high up the food chain who have since left, like five years or so again.

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