Yes, LOVE Boulder Canyon!These are super fun tips. Like maybe they are a group of international spies and they just mistook your car for villains they are on the hunt for! We will often take a listening break from podcasts of audio books on our couples road trip to play some games together. Our absolute favorite is Podcasts are especially great for shorter couples road trips, because you can binge listen to a few of them by the time you get to your destination.For extra bonding on your couples road trip, spend some time in between episodes discussing your favorite takeaways. At the end, you’ll have a funny Mad Libs story to read!1. The first time a friend uses the program by earning a reward or using their card at a participating Shell station, you will instantly earn 25¢/gal on your next fill. Creative activities like this are a great way to boost your bond together and get a little silly together!This is a fun blast from the past turned road trip game for couples. Break out your most charming first date conversations and flirtations. We find this to be really helpful so that we go about the trip with mindfulness and we can get out of the trip what we were looking to get. For Americans, we're so used to it, it's hard to think of what to advise, so hearing this from the UK perspective is very helpful. You never know and don’t want to be stuck!These come in handy when on the road! This helps minimize any disagreements about what to do because we both know that we are going to be able to do our top things.Make sure you have everything you need, like car insurance. If you were going to die in 5 years, what would you do with the rest of your life? We try to know overall what our itinerary will look like, approximately what the route will look like, and a few proposed rest stops.If we aren’t traveling during a busy season, then we won’t pre-book any hotels. The first person to see an out of state license plate calls out the name of the state and lightly punches the other person. You may want to know exactly how much you can spend in a day and factor in padding in case things go wrong or you end up having to spend a little more in some situations. It has been important for me to work on not having FOMO to minimize fights during our couples road trips. It’s a fun way to take a little trip down memory lane.Another way we’ve updated this class road trip game is by doing “future” 21 questions. The Trans-Canada Highway is one of the world's longest roads, spanning 8030km from St John’s, Newfoundland, to Victoria, British Columbia.The route spans all ten provinces and flirts with the Atlantic and Pacific oceans at its limits. This allows us to drive for longer stretches of time without feeling tired.If you’re anything like us, then you may have different travel styles and preferences than each other. We have a full list of road trip games for couples in the next section of this post. We find that a couples road trip always gets really interesting topics of conversation going for us. We suggest bringing along some blankets and pillows just in case you can’t get a hotel that night and need to sleep in your car. This will help many tense moments go by smoothly and help you potentially enjoy parts of the trip that you wouldn’t have otherwise.While Bassam usually always wants to drive, I convince him to switch off with me for a longer road trip for couples. Whether that means just getting in the car and heading out without a pre determined destination or renting a car in a foreign country and traveling around, following our own path when we travel means road trips! A road trip for couples is no different! This checklist is perfect for any road trip – whether doing a short day trip or a long cross country road trip. This gives us the freedom to be able stop wherever we like or change our route if we find something interesting. Which podcasts do you like to listen to together?There’s a disclaimer stating it up top! Sometimes a little novelty like this can add a lot of spark to a long term relationship!One of our favorite road trip games for couples is to make up stories about other cars passing us by. The driver then has to guess what the snack is or what the flavor is. We’ve found some of the most interesting places while on a road trip for couples because we pulled over for a rest stop.You never know what might happen on your couples road trip and it’s always best to be prepared. We love going new places together and exploring new things.

Having your car tuned up and running smoothly can help your car run more efficiently. It only takes a few of these stops to realize that those snack foods really add up. Whenever possible, our favorite type of travel is a couples road trip. We love bringing along a mix of sweet, salty, and crunchy options and try to keep the options as healthy as possible. They are also a Isn’t the best part of any road trip the snacks?

Try to think of it from that perspective so that you can enjoy it NOW.It can be easy to try to avoid rest stops to get to your destination quicker, but a big part of an enjoyable couples road trip with maximized bonding opportunities is enjoying the journey. A fun road trip game for couples is to have the passenger feed the driver snacks, without the driver looking at what they are being fed. It’s also a great thing to think about during rocky moments of the trip.

I need to figure out how to take car pictures because we road trip a LOT. If we are traveling during high season then we aren’t able to do this, but we love the flexibility it gives us when we can do it!You’ll also want to do what works best for your individual personalities here.

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