The only way they could get money was to marry off their daughters to rich families in the city.Therefore, that was why parents would teach their daughters to cook, clean and dress well. Divorce is so common that hardly anyone thinks of it as a tragedy anymore -- except, perhaps, the ones experiencing it. And finding a spouse or partner with the same racial or ethnic background is even less important (17%).Among never-married adults who may want to marry in the future, 65% say having similar ideas about child rearing is a very important quality in a spouse or partner, and 59% say the same about having a steady job. But we are not all the same.

There is a large gender gap on this question.
We have emotions and feelings and need to share them.We want to be heard and acknowledged and like to taken care of..S So relationships are necessary evil.

Roughly half of all adults (47%) say this is very important, and an additional 21% say this is somewhat important.