As a result, new legislation was introduced with the primary purpose to The key piece of legislation covering health claims in Europe is Regulation No: 1924/2006, commonly known as NHCR or Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation. The guidance presents a standardised format for a well-structured application.
What does EFSA do?

EFSA has assessed the risks to human and animal health related to the presence of glycoalkaloids in food and feed, particularly in potatoes and products derived from potatoes. Eine Ballaststoffanreicherung mit Inulin kann helfen, die Lücke zu schließen und die Darmtätigkeit nachweislich positiv zu beeinflussen. Atlantia’s Regulatory Officer Steve Morrison helped construct and acted as the main contact person for the first successful EFSA Health Claim back in 2009.

The product was outlined as a water-soluble tomato concentrate which helps maintain normal platelet aggregation, contributing to The concentrate contained a diverse group of more than 30 polyphenolic compounds which contributed significantly to its overall cardiovascular health. Seit dem 1.

Permitted nutrition claims: LOW ENERGY. Zusätzlich stehen BENEO-Kunden auch so genannte gesundheitsbezogene „Well-Being“ Claims nach Artikel 10.3 zur Verfügung, wie beispielsweise „Zichorieninulin fördert die Darmgesundheit“ oder „Ballaststoffe aus der Zichorienwurzel unterstützen ein gesundes und ausgewogenes Verdauungssystem“. EFSA Journal 2010; 8(2):1493 Suggested citation: EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies (NDA); Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to various food(s)/food constituent(s) claiming maintenance of joints (ID 1799, 1973,

EFSA reference year Comments Claim ID Response from EFSA; Specialised Nutrition Europe 9-31 Avenue des Nerviens,1040 Brussels BELGIUM: Q-2008-189: 05/05/2014: 2008: 2912: HiPP GmbH & Co. Vertrieb KG Georg-Hipp-Straße 7,85276 Pfaffenhofen GERMANY: Q-2009-00455: 11/02/2010: 2009 (77.3 KB) Comments from ERNA (415.67 KB) Comments from IDACE: 59: Specialised Nutrition … A claim that a food is low in energy, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product does not contain more than 40 kcal (170 kJ)/100 g for solids or more than 20 kcal (80 kJ)/100 ml for liquids. Health claims within the EU is a well discussed and well researched topic. To learn more about this study and five more examples, along with some common questions such as “how many studies are enough?”, tune in to Steve’s webinar.Start your free consultation and let us help you today

Some 'function claims', for which the assessment by EFSA or the consideration by the Commission is not finalised (177 Kb) . There are three core subsections of the NHCR, however, article 13.5 is the most relevant in functional foods as it is concerned with proprietary, new developed scientific data from the applicant. Health claims submitted as Article 13(1) 'function claims'Some 'function claims', for which the assessment by EFSA or the consideration by the Commission is not finalised However, the articles and research alike tend to focus on a Challenges and Success Factors in EFSA Health Claims Allerdings wird diese Menge von vielen Verbrauchern selbst mit einer ausgewogenen Ernährung nur sehr selten erreicht.

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