The area past the door is a Restricted Area. Go up the stairs and through the door into an office. Go inside and talk to Nell. It seems that he told Max about the book but failed to reveal that it was in French. Tell him that you ran Elijah out of town (MSI Reputation, 625 bits).Leave town via the southeast exit. Backtrack to Fallbrook Crossroads and cross the bridge towards Fallbrook. Because Sanjar has banned trading with the Iconoclasts, she will say that she can only make one more drop and ask you what she should deliver; you can choose between high-capacity data cartridges and food and medicine.If you want to have the option of unlocking.Make your choice (7500XP). Go through the door on your left and use the terminal to signal the Unreliable (5000XP).Unbar the door and go through. If you have Persuade (60) or Intimidate (60), you can get Hiram to work with the board. Behind it is a level 55 safe with the unique Purpleberry Police Armor.If you want the corresponding helmet, go the Customs Building to the north where you'll find the unique Purpleberry Police Helmet in a bin.The ramp on the west side of the settlement leads to the Cascadia Landing Pad. You can mete out your own justice if you like, although there are quite a lot of guards. Home. Reviews. On your way you will unlock the Cascadia Turnpike fast travel point. You can also examine the broken terminal and repair it with Hack 55.Return to the fork in the path and head up towards the main buildings. Go inside and kill the Mega Mantiqueen (7200XP).Talk to the mercenary leader Berthold Fox who will agree to meet you back at the camp. In the toilet of one is a level 30 locked case with OK loot. You.There's a graveyard behind the house. Go up the ramp to the Landing Pad and use the terminal here and you'll be able to remote-pilot the Unreliable to Fallbrook.Make your way from the landing pad towards the river. Unbar the other door to create a shortcut to the ground floor and leave the building.While you're here, head southwest down towards the canyon that runs through the middle of the map. She doesn't have much to say for herself, however. Agree to help find her son to initiate A Family Matter.Go west from Agnes and you'll find another trader, Zeng Shuren. You can make various checks (55 Inspiration, 55 Persuade, High Intelligence, High Perception) to have her agree.Fast travel to Stellar Bay and talk to Sanjar. Fight off a group of pterorays, clear some mines, kill some marauders and then loot the area that the marauders were sheltering in. Fast travel to Amber Heights and find Ash in the bar. Fly to the Byzantium Freight Port Landing Pad and make your way from there to Jolicoeur's.This tells you that delivery was unsuccessful and that the parcel has been returned to HPS. Examine the grave and you'll find a medallion (6000XP).Give the medallion to Nyoka (6400XP) and she'll say that you need the help of Hiram to track down her other comrades.Start making your way to Devil's Peak. Continue east and you'll come across a workshop with a workbench and some vending machines. She'll agree to take you to Devil's Peak, where the broker is.When you cross the bridge and Nyoka begins talking about the Rotten River, you'll have a choice to make. Now Playing. Take the first set out and you'll come across an intercom. There are two exceptional raptidons, Stheno and Euryale, just inside the gate. More. Go inside and ask Bertrand about the missing sprats. Use the intercom to speak to Hiram, aka "The Broker", to get the elevator unsealed. In the supplies enclosure to the left of Rose is a vending machine. There's a level 50 locked container in here if you can pick it without attracting the occupants' attention. As you near the location, you'll come across a marauder camp with a level 95(!) There are two routes to get through Devil's Peak. Go inside to see Abigail Edwards discussing Velma with someone called Frederick Halstead. Go upstairs. You can pick Clive's pocket (or loot his corpse) for his office key, which lets you use the lift to the cannery. You can kill him or propose that he and Catherine work together and, if you have Medical 55, you can convince him (7000XP). Follow the road around to add Stellar Bay Ruins (North) to your map and go into the town.Return to Nyoka and give her the pills (45428XP, 1125 bits). If you haven't turned in Odd Jobs yet, report in to Bronson (9000XP, 375 bits, Iconoclasts Reputation). For the best outcome to a Family Affair, make either of the Persuade (55) or Intimidate (35) checks to get him to return to Stellar Bay and stand up to his mother (7500XP). How things play out from here depends on which main quests you have active and which ones you want to complete.Ask for the location of the chemicals on behalf of Phineas (21828XP.Tell Hiram that you're here to shut down all illegal broadcasts (24000XP).

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