I was actually looking for negative reviews when I came across your post and it was so encouraging in a realistic way.

We did the whole month without cheating, and I felt so much better afterward, it even helped clear up the "Before Whole30, I really had no interest in cooking and ate a lot of "I am super into long endurance races, like triathlons and two-day bike rides, but a couple of years ago I started to notice that I was gaining weight and couldn't lose it. I always look forward to seeing a new picture of your son on Fridays and to see what you have planned for your weekend meals. Striving to live a healthy, happy life...one day at a time.I also need to warn y’all that this post may be VERY LONG! and processed foods. Well, full disclosure here… that I gained a total of 36 pounds during my pregnancy (Thanksgiving and Christmas falling during my third trimester didn’t help!) Oh, and I didn’t forget to tell you the grand total of my results either! This post contains affiliate links. CHEESE!Thanks so much for posting your experience! Wish I’d paid attention to this years ago. The primary purpose of the program is to identify how specific types of foods affect your body after you’ve removed them for 30 days and then reintroduce them.So…it’s been a few years! I lost 13 pounds during Whole30! How would someone like me get my daily servings of protein accourding to this “paleo”(pseudo-sciency) diet? Get some apple cider, curl up under a blanket, and settle into fall
I wrote more than I intended, but I kept thinking of additional things to include!Thoughout the entire Whole30 book, the authors reiterate that losing weight should not be your primary goal when completing the Whole30. I agreed that I thought I’d be starving between meals, but when you eat enough, and it’s the right stuff, it’s amazing how full you can stay. I started Whole30 for the same reasons (mostly to lose the baby weight.) When I DO eat them, I try to make sure it’s something I’ve I am not a “gourmet chef” at all. ), but wasn’t officially doing a Whole30, so he ate other things that I didn’t, as well.This is a great synopsis of a Whole 30 experience! And through two subsequent pregnancies, my weight did NOT stay the same, ha! No more achy joints, lots of energy, sleeping great etc. But now she’s back to a healthy weight. I first heard about the book a month ago from my cousin. I’m definitely going to try this, yet I cannot imagine no pizza and no desserts for 30 days! It’s frustrating to see the weight come off SO SLOWLY and it’s even more frustrating when I GAIN a pound of two when I’m trying to LOSE weight. I had very similar success with a WHOLE30 style plan when I could *not* lose the pregnancy weight. But it was okay because I didn’t have the low energy in the afternoons that I was accustomed to.Hi Michelle! It’s true what they say about your body being a machine, and fueling it with nutrient-dense, whole foods makes all the difference. Reading your experience with this was really motivating, given I feel I share some of your previous eating habits.

Since finishing my first Whole30, my mindset about food has definitely shifted. Here’s how Whole30 changed my life! PS – love your blog and your recipes :)Hi Kim, My husband ate everything that I made (he LOVED the cauliflower rice! Then, horror of horrors, I gained I’ll be the first to admit that for as long as I can remember, I haven’t had the best eating habits. My biggest concern involves time. You might notice, for instance, that you always get an upset stomach after eating dairy or that every time you eat bread you get a headache and so you could choose to limit how much you consume… or you might not notice any ill effects at all!I have osteoarthritis and my doctor suggested I try eliminating the nightshade family of food as they can cause inflammation . I've made it the whole month without cheating, but I plan to keep going for 15 more days because it's going so well. " Your story is inspiring though – especially the part about more energy and your tendonitis going away!

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