Try to not take on too much and recognize that your power comes from Your feminine energy is strong when you are communicating, traveling, moving, and exploring.

You feel the most connected with your divine side when you are traveling, being free, learning something new, and motivating others.You tend to be very responsible, disciplined, and a master of self-control. Many admit they no longer feel attracted to other people.Many twin flames have a specific way of communicating with one another. During separation, there can be a thin line between this desire and pain. Feeling extremely happy, energized, tingly, light and even giggly when you are around your twin flame or when you think of them is an example of this.

You are a child at heart, so be wary that you don’t get stuck in boring situations and relationships.You are stable, patient, devoted, and nurturing. It’s almost like they have their language and can understand one another very well.Whether twins are awakened to the fact that they are twins or not, being around your twin can profoundly feel like you are on the Many twins have an “us against the world” mentality.Usually, eye contact is very strong between twin flames.If you think of everything in this world is like a walky-talky radio, everybody has a private channel.

Many feel confused before they are awakened because they feel a strong pull towards their twin they have never felt with anyone else before! You embrace change and it pushes you to grow.When in doubt, go with the flow and channel your spontaneity because it leads you to inspiration.

Since the beginning the world has been a “mans” world.

Perhaps she tolerated his back-and-forth between her and the karmic partner… Some twins are able to resolve all of this karma on their own. Also, here’s a simply fun video on how to physically embrace your Divine Feminine (sacral) energies. You are loyal, analytical, kind, hardworking, and practical. Your mysticism and fierceness are your most powerful attributes so use them to your advantage!You are optimistic, inspirational, energetic, and enthusiastic. In all […] Thank you for visiting Lionheart Alchemy! You are not meant to be with people that will try to control or over-power you.

Watch the feminine chakras in this Shadow Playlist and in this Tapping/Shadow Playlist. By using this recording daily, you will raise and maintain your high vibration energy.For a personalized card reading, or energetic “progress reports” to see where you and your divine counterpart stand, click For daily, collective card readings, channeled messages and energy updates, If you like our work/messages & find they help, please consider making a donation as an energy-exchange:Natalie is certified in Emotion Code, Usui & Tibetan Reiki (second degree), and The Regenetics Method. Because twin flames are in essence, each other, they have a profound understanding of one other. Although your zodiac Sun sign is important because it sheds light on your personality and your inner goddess.Each Moon sign is also important because it gives you insight on your mother, the past and the lives you've lived, including your inner moods and emotions.Understanding your Moon sign can help you understand your subconscious better. Whether twins realize it or not, they are constantly working together on the 5D or non-physical planes. There are times when the lessons on the path may feel more difficult than others. Please visit the store for powerful energy healing sessions and card readings.

A major one of the 7 characteristics of feminine energy is being aware our emotions, and sudden shifts in emotion. Because of this, if they still have a lot of healing work to complete, being around each other can be overwhelming and hurtful after the initial “bubble phase.”This is partly why going inward is so important on the journey.Without healing, they won’t successfully unite in the physical.At the end of the day, the twin flame journey to union is an Your outer world is a direct mirror of your inner world.In this journey, there is a lot of passion and desire to be together.However, it is important to know, they are always together in the non-physical (5D realms).Energetically speaking, it’s kind of like they both have to go on a journey through a forest.The feminine, first on her healing journey, finds a direction and clears a path.Generally speaking, while it may have taken the feminine years to heal, it may only take the masculine weeks or months.

Throw yourself into your creative passions because that is where you shine!Which Greek Goddess Are You, By Moon Sign & Divine Feminine Energy

You must not try to move through the world too quickly, as it will wear you out. However, it can happen any way.Additionally, she is just as much a karmic for the Divine Feminine as the Divine Masculine.

It is my opinion, that this is one of the things the world has to shift on as the frequency of the earth rises. However, some twins find twin flame experts greatly help in accelerating the healing process.It is recommended to follow your intuition and let that guide you to whatever way feels good to heal.If you have known your twin flame for a while, you have both been doing the inner healing work, and you are happy with your life, Therefore, it is only a matter of time before twins unite in love.As a Twin Flame, the BEST thing you can do for yourself is cleanse your energy daily. Surround yourself with people who support you instead of trying to control you, because you embrace your inner Goddess when you feel in control. It is important that you always make time for friends, social activities, and hobbies.You feel the most connected with your inner-goddess when you are taking care of yourself and indulging in activities that bring you happiness.

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