0000145575 00000 n 0000137030 00000 n 0000123398 00000 n 0000026901 00000 n 0000109320 00000 n

0000146988 00000 n

0000013222 00000 n 0000014250 00000 n 0000128875 00000 n 0000137264 00000 n 0000013385 00000 n

2½ oz . 0000014196 00000 n 0000127549 00000 n 0000123597 00000 n �I[�.�C��`�K~�,��H 0000097489 00000 n

0000145760 00000 n

0000098446 00000 n 0000132757 00000 n Whether the goal is to limit carb intake, count …

0000135719 00000 n 0000144614 00000 n 0000137457 00000 n 0000107740 00000 n 0000135960 00000 n 0000139583 00000 n 0000107552 00000 n 0000014466 00000 n 0000126706 00000 n 0000027531 00000 n stream 0000016493 00000 n 0000014142 00000 n

0000014628 00000 n 0000063486 00000 n 0000008335 00000 n 0000144808 00000 n {ȣ�6�6�Kc��b��\�-�d`���5����A����Lf���'���|��T/��`h��lv�pgo��_4o�mpl#���4m"M7\�HD�� ��h�z���O|Č�.�]?X?�q���O� p[����|��������7���K���g�h�ͼp������t�|Y�m˴�;��l�m��T���Ω���l�vLhh�p��JGa#v�ȵ���o���#-��|t�|V�||�v�;w9�x�lc~Fm����{�Е��·y�,f�t��D��Y��8�f�\���1h�x�e�,�Ј����aL�eSi��^o�e��HZc��G{�fw˧on?�.�p;ܼ�����-�Ϩm�WV[�n�K��M�ʍ�e���㧞��o���:i�l.���!h�x��� 0000136606 00000 n 0000095623 00000 n 0000142088 00000 n 0000117822 00000 n 0000133590 00000 n

trailer << /Size 3394 /Info 3053 0 R /Root 3057 0 R /Prev 386732 /ID[ 0000015438 00000 n <>>> 0000126207 00000 n 0000099166 00000 n 0000016655 00000 n 0000128672 00000 n 0000114382 00000 n 0000123210 00000 n 0000118817 00000 n

0000013980 00000 n 0000110733 00000 n A typical serving of fruit is one small to medium-sized fresh fruit, 1/2 cup of canned, or 1/4 cup of dried fruit.

0000110325 00000 n 0000141878 00000 n Use of a new health claim about vegetables and fruit and heart disease for qualifying fresh fruits and vegetables; An exemption from nutrition labelling for fresh fruits and vegetables, without added ingredients, even when health or nutrient content claims are made. … 0000118321 00000 n 0000014034 00000 n 0000115958 00000 n 0000140268 00000 n 0000126454 00000 n 0000140746 00000 n 0000116429 00000 n 0000110124 00000 n 0000130485 00000 n 0000062843 00000 n 0000013439 00000 n

0000141215 00000 n 0000121159 00000 n 0000140987 00000 n

0000062946 00000 n 0000097974 00000 n 0000113515 00000 n 0000109118 00000 n Fruit chart: nutrition chart with pictures provides an easy cross-reference for vitamin and mineral content in fruits and vegetables.

0000008312 00000 n 0000118072 00000 n 0000139814 00000 n 0000120548 00000 n 0000106307 00000 n 0000016709 00000 n H�^as8�X��k�X�|���� 0000125309 00000 n 0000014574 00000 n 0000134626 00000 n 0000145961 00000 n

0000026677 00000 n 0000104280 00000 n 0000109922 00000 n 0000143357 00000 n 0000017316 00000 n 0000136800 00000 n 0000100800 00000 n 0000106068 00000 n 0000007116 00000 n 0000013493 00000 n

0000119547 00000 n

0000108917 00000 n 0000145190 00000 n

Serving Size (g) Serving Size (oz) Calories (Kc a l) Calories From Fat (Kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) Fat (g) Sodium (mg ) Potassium ( m g) Dietary Fiber (g) % of U.S. RDA Apple 1 med. 0000131322 00000 n 0000138567 00000 n 0000129880 00000 n <> 0000100252 00000 n 0000111925 00000 n 0000144994 00000 n 0000096174 00000 n 0000115212 00000 n 0000124673 00000 n %PDF-1.5 0000140046 00000 n 0000132952 00000 n 0000121872 00000 n 0000110939 00000 n 4 0 obj 0000108517 00000 n 0000117172 00000 n 0000146791 00000 n 0000128012 00000 n 0000013059 00000 n

0000014412 00000 n Vitamin A Vitamin C Calcium Iron Household Serving Size.
0000012736 00000 n endobj Fresh fruits are not sold with nutrition facts. 0000102969 00000 n

0000098201 00000 n 0000024858 00000 n 0000121627 00000 n 0000016024 00000 n

0000019357 00000 n 0000129489 00000 n
0000014737 00000 n 0000114200 00000 n

0000017238 00000 n 0000103228 00000 n 0000125758 00000 n 0000124235 00000 n 0000119793 00000 n 0000136188 00000 n 0000015916 00000 n 0000112715 00000 n Carbohydrate and calorie content in fruit will vary according to serving size and type of fruit. 0000012898 00000 n 0000038413 00000 n 0000131925 00000 n 0000135272 00000 n

0000135065 00000 n

0000124035 00000 n

0000105609 00000 n 0000111740 00000 n 0000112320 00000 n ,?�`7�xU�;^U>�[���n����� ��Gj�b�tt1�֥w�0^��mЀ�6c�Q�6��l"ƶo���0�p�Mg��/�&���oH]�����2��B�����NٻP����,��W퐍}@]O������#��̟�ݟ}u����s�]ߵ˥i�E��d��]�o���b6��^�OwH���ü�c�|�����lO��J$Hp���C��h0��=��y�]��d��Y�(Ӽ�r�pGr2�tmF>_g#L�� �)��6��8�~s���W��0�_��[,�[R�۝!������{=�����i��KFf>��b�6��5���7.TL�������A�k���Q�� ��cD�J�G�ܝ^��;�ȏP�w���}�}��v������h��F�i� ��Z��@qz-/x� N鵗��^��o^��f�D]vܭ�:O�5�� k���� 0000122744 00000 n 0000111533 00000 n 0000106542 00000 n 0000129677 00000 n

0000131719 00000 n 0000128432 00000 n 1 0 obj 0000141672 00000 n 0000013926 00000 n 0000111141 00000 n 0000014088 00000 n 0000013547 00000 n 0000133359 00000 n 0000075061 00000 n

0000120043 00000 n 0000013601 00000 n 0000120295 00000 n 0000115492 00000 n 0000120917 00000 n 0000019381 00000 n 0000016217 00000 n 0000129078 00000 n endobj 0000101951 00000 n 0000029377 00000 n

0000142745 00000 n 0000112914 00000 n 0000115723 00000 n 0000144397 00000 n

0000138989 00000 n 154 5.5 80 10 0 24 1 0 160 4 * 6 * * Asparagus 5 spears 93 3.3 20 0 2 5 0 0 210 2 10 10 * * Avocado 1/5 med.

0000016601 00000 n Sweetneners and Confectionery Calorie Chart. 0000124485 00000 n

0000095915 00000 n 0000109514 00000 n 0000126959 00000 n 0000104936 00000 n 0000119304 00000 n 0000092944 00000 n 0000101677 00000 n 0000102463 00000 n 0000143580 00000 n 0000146383 00000 n 0000145378 00000 n 0000122314 00000 n 0000097727 00000 n Whole vegetable or fruit, medium size 1 serving of Vegetables and Fruit Hot cereal 1 serving of Grain Products Yogurt 1 serving of Milk and Alternatives Beans, lentils, or tofu 1 serving of Meat and Alternatives Hockey puck : Rice, pasta, bulgur, quinoa, couscous, ½ small bagel . 0000099587 00000 n 0000107170 00000 n 0000013005 00000 n 0000104048 00000 n

0000122961 00000 n 0000102208 00000 n 0000015535 00000 n 0000027315 00000 n 0000092404 00000 n 0000121392 00000 n 0000122502 00000 n 0000137903 00000 n

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