Lisa explains how she took on his struggle and began blaming herself for not being enough for him.Her honesty hits a peak when she shares the crux of the struggle admitting, “I made it about me”. God is for us and he has given us the authority over all the power of the enemy. Remember the promise the Lord has given us in For just $100 per month you can bring the gospel to 10,000 homes. Take Lisa’s testimony and wisdom and begin to attack the problem together, instead of agreeing with blame, shame, or self condemnation. Remember the promise the Lord has given us in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 , Two are better than one , because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.

We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It was horrible for the now but also horrific when I though about the future. On Tuesday, she found out she won a coloring competition at a local video store. International speaker and author of many books and church curriculum, she and her husband live in Colorado Springs. She even confesses that, “I didn’t actually handle it well”. It absolutely broke my heart. It was awesome.There was an instant change in her behavior, and the best news came a few days later when she told me about a dream she had. Mother. They see opportunities for growth, provide answers, and call out unrealized potential. When I asked when she had that dream, she replied it was Saturday night (the same night you spoke and we prayed for her).I know through it God has changed my life and most importantly my daughter’s. He prayed big prayers. my mother was incredibly emotionally violent, and then my father was detached. As Dr. Yonggi Cho said, “Every problem is a spiritual problem.” But I still felt helpless. God stored treasure in us.

Pray God opens doors to share His treasure stored inside you. I was desperate for help.Then, on the Saturday you spoke about spiritual authority.

But the Lord told him his prayers were off target. View John and Lisa Bevere's speaking schedules as well as other calendar events involving Messenger International.

i never knew what he was going to come home like. Let His brilliance shine for the world to see. Through this book, let me be your godmother as we transform what you have into what God wants you to have, push forward through seasons of doubt, and learn the truth about God’s larger expansive view of your life. In hindsight, she wishes she would have been there for John instead of buying into the lies that she wasn’t desirable, attractive or enough. On Thursday, she received money from her grandmother. Your story speaks volumes about God’s good and faithful nature.When we reveal the ways God demonstrates His love, grace, and mercy in our lives, others are inspired to receive from the Giver of all that is good (see James 1:17). “If there ever comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known.” —Matthew Arnold. When I heard this, something registered and rose up on the inside of me.When I got home that night, I woke up my husband and said, “We need to pray with authority When I finished praying she woke up and smiled at me. You were woven for this moment. Lisa Bevere teaches a false, man-centered humanistic gospel. We are dedicated to providing believers worldwide with access to life-transforming messages regardless of their location, language, or financial position. UPDATED DECEMBER 30, 2017 – HERE on BTWN August 26th, 2018. Please fill out all fields. In her teachings, we repeatedly find that Jesus is the means to the ultimate end–man’s accomplishments. I didn’t want my precious girl judged or excluded by other Christian families because of what was going on. lisa bevere’s testimony | joyce meyer ministries. At the age of six, she started saying she hated herself, didn’t want to live. he was an alcoholic. Your story tells others change is possible. video transcript.

I felt like heaven had opened up above her, and God was blessing her in a way my 8-year-old daughter could totally relate to. On Wednesday, she won the Easter basket fundraiser at school. On Monday, she overheard some older girls in her school class talking about her. We radiate the beauty of our Savior as we speak of all His wondrous gifts.The power of your story comes from God. Lisa Bevere teaches a false, man-centered humanistic gospel. These are waters I felt lost in, but not so much anymore!”“This gave me a new perspective of strong. Godmother. It encouraged & strengthened me, and I hope it does the same for you:It’s 3 AM and I can’t sleep, so I decided I would write you a letter to tell you about the miracle that took place during the women’s conference when you came last year.A few years ago, my eldest daughter-a quiet, beautiful, and extremely intelligent girl- began speaking in a very destructive way. The power of the Holy Spirit creates treasure in us, as evidenced by transformed lives. It was a very special week.”Our children are not meant for death and destruction. In her teachings, we repeatedly find that Jesus is the means to the ultimate end–man’s accomplishments.

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