You can still see all customer reviews for the product. It is intriguing and it sold me onto the usefulness of the Enneagram as an assessment tool.I love the Ennegram for its truth and flexibility of typing. Ejemplos claros, explicaciones sencillas y herramientas para todo el que quiera iniciar el dificil proceso de quitarse la máscara del eneatipo.The most helpful of the three enneagram books that I've read.I read this book for my yoga book club. Now I finally, really understand the Enneagram. There was a vast amount of information about wings, and instinctual variants. However, I am disappointed in the Kindle version, so much so that I am considering returning the Kindle version and purchasing the paperback book to replace it. The Enneagram is a personality profile (for lack of a better term) similar to the Meyers--Briggs. This book taps into the deep inherent spirituality of the Enneagram, discussing the formation of the personality in light of the wounds of childhood, and dedicates many chapters to the confrontation and transcendence of the Human Essence over the Really powerful, and an even better introduction to the concept of the Enneagram than the famous Personality Types book by the same authors.

As of this date I have eight books on the subject of the Enneagram all of which are contributing in various ways to my understanding of this subject. To create our lis...The first definitive guide to using the wisdom of the enneagram for spiritual and psychological growthThe first definitive guide to using the wisdom of the enneagram for spiritual and psychological growthThe Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality TypesBest personality theory ever, refreshingly devoid of new age bullcrap. The history alone is fascinating reading, and a strong argument for lending some credibility to the system itself.There's a questionnaire to help you determine your Enneagram type; descriptions about the This book is co-authored and each one comes in with anecdotal pieces throughout the book, which lends an interesting flavor--almost as if you're sitting in on a conversation in some parts.

It nailed my personality completely, which no other personality test has.

Thus, I wanted to read some more on it. i found it fascinating & eye opening...people are hard to understand when they're different than you - gave great insight in how they might think or see the world. One Example: In Chapter 5, the chart title for "Directions of Ego Boundaries in the Feeling Triad" is mislabeled "Directions of Ego Boundaries in the Instinctive Triad" and lists 8s, 4s, and 3s but should list 2s, 3s, 4s. This large layout is not conducive to reading, but it is what you expect from a textbook. One Example: In Chapter 5, the chart title for "Directions of Ego Boundaries in the Feeling Triad" is mislabeled "Directions of Ego Boundaries in the Instinctive Triad" and lists 8s, 4s, and 3s but should list 2s, 3s, 4s. Great book!If you've studied Myers-Briggs or are interested in personality types, you'll love this book.If you've studied Myers-Briggs or are interested in personality types, you'll love this book.Thus far the Enneagram for me is a practical tool for letting go of the ego through recognizing its individual action in my life.
I appreciate the mini-exercises offered throughout this book (again thus far) and I look forward to reading the remainder of this book and engaging in the offered exercises. If you want a complete and comprehensive book on the Enneagram, this is the one. I especially enjoyed their descriptions of how each type deals with everyday acts like walking into a room full of people.My only complaint? ;)The most helpful of the three enneagram books that I've read. "][For more direct thoughts on the Enneagram itself, refer to the comments for "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Power of the Enneagram. Understand that without page numbers I am unable to point to the exact locations of these publishing errors within the chapter. They never seem to work.Lots of great quotations in the book, however.
It said we're in a trance and even questioned how someone in a trance can wake from it him/herself. Sin duda un libro muy recomendable para aquellas personas interesadas por las cuestiones del crecimiento personal. This book has a lot of detail not found in other Ennegram materials, like the internet sites. I have read so many self help books thru out my life and I never was told about this. Really powerful, and an even better introduction to the concept of the Enneagram than the famous Personality Types book by the same authors. Not only are the descriptions of each type thorough and helpful, but there are some great suggestions and guides to get to a more healthy level. And I am continually finding new bits about myself. You take a short quiz and th I've lost track of the number of times I've recommended this book. I appreciate the mini-exercises offered throughout this book (again thus far) and I look forward to reading the remainder of this book and engaging in the offered exercises. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness.This page works best with JavaScript. Over the years people had mentioned the Enneagram, & I had read about it & taken online tests, but had never fully identified with my apparent type (4). My favorite part of the book is how in depth it goes beyond just the types. It takes a different approach from multiple perspectives and pares the results down to nine types which are scarily accurate.

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