In its heyday, it sustained an international culture that strung together groups as diverse as the Under its strong integrating dynamics on the one hand and the impacts of change it transmitted on the other, tribal societies previously living in isolation along the Silk Road, and pastoralists who were of barbarian cultural development, were drawn to the riches and opportunities of the civilisations connected by the routes, taking on the trades of marauders or mercenaries.Their trade, with some interruptions, continued in the 9th century within the framework of the The Silk Road gave rise to the clusters of military states of nomadic origins in North China, ushered the At the end of its glory, the routes brought about the largest continental empire ever, the Mongol Empire, with its political centres strung along the Silk Road (The Mongol rulers wanted to establish their capital on the Central Asian steppe, so to accomplish this goal, after every conquest they enlisted local people (traders, scholars, artisans) to help them construct and manage their empire.In the 13th century efforts were made at forming a The fragmentation of the Mongol Empire loosened the political, cultural, and economic unity of the Silk Road. The Silk Road or Silk Route is an ancient network of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction through regions of the Asian continent connecting the West and East by merchants, pilgrims, monks, soldiers, nomads, and urban dwellers from China and India to the Mediterranean Sea during various periods of time. The Silk Road flourished during the Yuan Dynasty because of Mongol control of the trade routes.

Its strategic geographical position made Baghdad a major central market for merchandise coming from diverse regions such as India, China, Daylam, or Anatolia. See more about the Of course, the people in the west commonly paid in gold and silver. This movement of Buddhism first gained influence in the Adherents to the Jewish faith first began to travel eastward from Mesopotamia following the Persian conquest of Babylon in 559 by the armies of During this time in the Persian Emby the penced ire, the Judean religion was influenced by the Iranian religion.

By the 1100s, silk was produced in Italy. The mixture of Greek and Indian elements can be found in later Buddhist art in China and throughout countries on the Silk Road.The production of art consisted of many different items that were traded along the Silk Roads from the East to the West. to 220 … Woolen goods, carpets, curtains, blankets, and rugs came to China from Central Asia and the eastern Mediterranean. Wheat first originated in the Fertile Crescent and it had been carried to the Gansu Corridor by about 2,800 BC.Varieties of millet, rice and other crops traveled the opposite way through the Gansu Corridor and reached western Asia and Europe from the fifth millennium to the second millennium BC.In the area of religion and philosophy, the Chinese were net importers. Siege machines were an important part of However, except for a successful attack of an Arab army against the Tang army in Central Asia in 751, armies from the West rarely attacked eastwards along the Silk Road routes.Today the Silk Road still tells many stories of ancient times and the exchange of cultures. In 781, an inscribed stele shows Nestorian Christian missionaries arriving on the Silk Road. The Sogdian townspeople profited richly from their trading operations with India, the Near East, the Middle East, and the countries of the ancient world.When Zhang Qian came back to China, he told the emperor about the rich countries lying to the west, and he described the large and swift "winged horses" which were better than the breeds in the empire. (2007). Paper was invented during the Han Dynasty era and was also appreciated in the West. (2002), "When Glass Was Treasured in China," in Annette L. Juliano and Judith A. Lerner (eds), Harper, P.O. ?Slave girl resting on a camel 8th century, Hanshenzhai, Xian. They also sent military equipment, gold and silver, and semi-precious stones.First the Romans and then Samarkand made glasswares that were especially valued due to their high quality and transparency. By the 1100s, silk was produced in Italy.Europeans did not learn how to make porcelain until the 1700s. It was considered to be a luxury good.

Chinese merchants found themselves and their goods protected and enjoyed an increase in status. One common product, the To commemorate the Silk Road becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Bishkek and Almaty each have a major east-west street named after the Silk Road (The ruins of a Han dynasty (206 BCE – 220 CE) Chinese watchtower made of rammed earth at Dunhuang, Gansu province

For instance, Some remnants of what was probably Chinese silk dating from 1070 BCE have been found in The expansion of Scythian cultures, stretching from the The next major step toward the development of the Silk Road was the expansion of the The Greeks remained in Central Asia for the next three centuries, first through the administration of the The Silk Road was initiated and globalized by Chinese exploration and conquests in Central Asia.

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